Saturday, December 19, 2009

An Amazing Weekend

If you want to talk about great weekends, I think the weekend of December 18th-20th 2009 should be mentioned. God is truly working through our church family, and we give Him all praise!

Friday night, we had our first community movie night. A group of about 40 came in out of the cold, and watched a Merry Madagascar and the Polar Express in the Family Life Center. We had fresh popcorn popped, pop to drink, candy canes to much on, bells to ring, and train tickets to ride the train. It was FUN! People came in pj's and slippers, bundled up in blankets, and snuggled into bean bags. Some brought their own lawn chairs and others used our folding chairs. Let's all set our calendars for Friday, January 22nd! We'll be watching UP; bring your friends and neighbors and spread the word! And a "thank you" is absolutely due to those who worked so hard to get everything ready!! It was a team effort, and a successful one at that! :) THANK YOU!

Saturday morning was equally exciting. We had Christmas carols playing as the Angel Food team distributed the December orders. It was the second highest month in orders since it started! Momentum is picking up! If you haven't ever taken part, come some Saturday morning, grab a hot coffee, and relax with us. You will not regret it.

And the good report continues.....

While our Angel Food was being distributed, Pastor Andy and his team were at the Christian Church's food pantry. This was the first month to distribute all of our convenience items that we've been collecting!! We had toilet paper, paper towels, diapers, baby wipes, deodarant, shampoo, laundry detergent, tooth paste, and so much more. All thanks to YOU and your donations!! Are you catching the excitement yet??!! Stand anywhere within a block of the Eaton First Church of God, and you may just be knocked over by it :) We haven't even hit Sunday morning yet, but worship has taken place.

If you want to talk about good months, let's rewind a week and talk about the Christmas cantata! Personally, as one little alto in the back row, I had to fight tears the entire time. It truly felt as though a chorus of angels had stepped in to sing with us. It was moving, and again, I know that God was with us.
God is good!! Let's keep praying that He can continue to work through us, in us, and around us. That He would become greater, and we would become less. It's all for Him!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Kid's Christmas Party

Meet the sweet kids of "Miss Nikki's" group!

Last night they had their Christmas party! Their energy could have lit the county; they're absolutely adorable. And yet, when given the task of completing the longest Christmas chain, I watched as they all funneled that energy right into the task ahead of them. By the end of the evening, I hear the chain was long enough to spread across the church!
How amazing kids are! Let's all lift this ministry and these kids up in prayer, because I can already see amazing things done for God's family through these tiny hands!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Polar Express

Join us, this Friday night, 7p.m., at the Family Life Center!

Nursing Home Visit

A crew went out to Morrison Woods on Tuesday, for caroling, sharing, and a devotion. Thank you to all who went and thank you to Helen Brown for coordinating this! Let's do it again!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Youth Auction

Here are a few snapshots from the basket auction/luncheon yesterday! It was a success and we thank everyone who took part in any way!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

More Activities to Mark Down

Add these events to the calendar and join us!

December 15th - Keenagers, pitch-in noon-2p.m., Fellowship Hall
Caroling at Morrison Woods to follow! 2-4p.m.

New Year's Game Night!

Let's ring in 2010 together! Bring snacks and games, come comfy, and let's send out 2009 as a family. At midnight, Pastor Andy will start our year off with a moment of prayer. Is there a better way to start the year??

Women's Craft Night!

Thursday, January 7th, 7-9p.m., Fellowship Hall

Women - bring your current craft to the church, a snack to share, and let's work on them together. Scrapbooking, knitting, crocheting, anything and everything that you might have in the works. Or maybe you just want to come and visit. That's fine! If you'd like to learn how to crochet, bring a needle and yarn to learn!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Deck the Halls!

Thank you to everyone who stayed to help hang the greens today after service!! It looks beautiful!! And don't forget about the youth, basket auction this Sunday! There will be a chili lunch in the Family Life Center right after the morning service. Some truly great baskets and items are already set to be auctioned off!

Colts fans, check this one out!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Community Thanksgiving Service

Thank you to everyone who joined us at the Christian Church last night! It was wonderful to gather as a community in worship.

For Haiti With Love

(This is a note from a ministry our church supports. Let's continue to lift them up in our prayers!)

~For Haiti With Love Newsletter~ just a click away

As we enjoy our turkey dinners, let us please keep our hurting friends in prayer. Our Scott Stevens, our Auctioneer and dear friend is having some real health challenges and is in Mease Countryside Hospital - please join us in prayer for him and his family in this critical time.

The list in my prayer journal is quite long right now for friends and relatives hurting, those very ill, some who are on the road "back" and those who have had recent losses. As we stop to give Thanks, let us remember all who need the comfort of our Lord.

Say special prayers for our nation, our national leaders, and our service men and women.

God Bless you all and Happy Thanksgiving,
Eva DeHart

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Keenagers At It Again!

If there's one group who knows how to have fun, it's the Keenagers :) Here are some highlights from this past week's gathering.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Upcoming Events!

Family Movie Night at the Family Life Center!
Friday, December 18th, 7p.m.-9p.m.
Bring snacks, anything to get cozy (blankets, pillows, chairs....), your whole family, and bring friends!

Dessert and Movie Night for our Women!
Friday, December 4th, 7p.m.
Take an evening to get out ladies, and join us for something sweet, time with other women, and a good movie. Sounds perfect, doesn't it?!
We'll meet in the fellowship hall for some dessert and coffee, and then we'll watch the movie in the sanctuary.
Please bring a dessert to share (or a salty snack) and feel free to bring a friend!
(One Night With the King is the story of Esther.)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Operation Christmas Child a Success!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all who prepared a box for Operation Christmas Child! We had nearly fifty boxes this year! That's awesome!
I smile everytime I picture the children opening those gifts!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Real Joy

James 1:2-3 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.

Pastor Andy shared a portion of this video this morning; here is the entire song and testimony.

Verse 1:
This is my prayer in the desert
And all that's within me feels dry
This is my prayer in the hunger in me
My God is a God who provides

Verse 2:
And this is my prayer in the fire
In weakness or trial or pain
There is a faith proved
Of more worth than gold
So refine me Lord through the flames

And I will bring praise
I will bring praise
No weapon forged against me shall remain

I will rejoice
I will declare
God is my victory and He is here

Verse 3:
And this is my prayer in the battle
And triumph is still on it's way
I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ
So firm on His promise I'll stand

All of my life
In every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship

Verse 4:
This is my prayer in the harvest
When favor and providence flow
I know I'm filled to be empited again
The seed I've recieved I will sow

Sunday, November 8, 2009

John 15:5 "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trunk or Treat 09'

Eaton was absolutely buzzing Saturday night, and our first Trunk or Treat was a true hit! The trick-or-treaters tip-toed up around 5:40, and from that point on there was a steady flow through 8p.m. It was amazing seeing more of the faces of Eaton and enjoying an evening with them! As always, thank you everyone, specifically Tim and Nikki for making this happen!

Monday, October 26, 2009

An Amazing Sunday

God was truly with us as we celebrated eighty years of service to Him, this past Sunday morning. Eaton First Church of God is alive and well, and we have great days ahead!

And what's a celebration without a family meal?? Many joined us in the Family Life Center for a chili pitch-in after the morning service. Thank you to all who helped!

2p.m. was the installation for Pastor Andy, and again, God was with us. Thank you to Pastor John Crump for being with us and such a constant support. Truly, from the bottoms of our hearts, the Dennistons thank every single one of you. Those who have prayed for us and will in days to come. Those who came to spend this entire day with us and those who were there by heart. Thank you to our new Eaton family for making us feel so genuinely loved.

All praise to our savior!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Angel Food

Andy, Levi, Lydia, and I joined Amy W. and her crew for the Angel Food distribution this past Saturday morning. Admittedly, we arrived after the work had been done (unintentionally), but we loved our time spent with everyone. What a wonderful ministry to our community! Thank you Amy for leading this ministry!

To be honest, Andy and I had a hard time figuring out what Angel Food was all about. And then the Aldi shopper within me had a light-bulb moment. Food for less! Now that I understand! Angel Food offers quality food for prices you simply won't match in any store; trust me, I've done the research. This is something to spread the word on; I know we're not the only family who is blessed by savings opportunities.
You are also welcome to purchase boxes to be given to those in need. We will make sure it is put to good use! November orders are due on the 9th, and everyone watch for the next distribution date - it's truly a fun morning!!

Friday, October 23, 2009


As we prepare to celebrate 80 years of service in Eaton, the footage and pictures that I've been given to sort through is simply amazing. What a truly, truly rich heritage EFCHOG has! This is footage from the ground-breaking in 1962! In color and all!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Andy, Levi, and I joined the Keenagers for their annual gathering, and let me tell you, it was fun from beginning to end. Here's another group to be excited about!
The food was outstanding, but more than that, the company couldn't have been topped. What an amazing group; Andy, Levi, and I plan to keep coming until they kick us out =) Join us if you'd like! 3rd Tuesday of each month, noon, in the fellowship hall. Bring a dish to share and a gigantic appetite!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fishers of Men and.....Sardines!

I heard it said recently, that our youth and children aren't the church of tomorrow, they're the church of today. And I couldn't agree more; what a vital role their young lives play in God's grand plans.

Tonight, I saw that our youth group is something to truly be excited about!! I (Jenessa) had the priviledge of meeting a few more of them tonight and joining them for their ice-breaker. There was a great crowd, and I hear it was actually small in comparison to most weeks. Awesome! I can't wait to get to know them all more and witness first-hand what big thing's God is doing in each of their young lives!
(The ice-breaker involved racing with sardines. These are of three of the brave souls :) )

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

80 Years to Celebrate!

We'll be celebrating 80 years of ministry in Eaton, the morning of Sunday, October 25th. And what a reason to celebrate! Pastor Andy and Kris have asked for people to let them know of a memory that we can share with everyone. After so many years of service, life, worship, and fellowship, I know there must be some key memories out there! And as a new member of the Eaton family, I would love to hear just as many as possible. So everyone, dust off the mental archives, or jot down a fresh event before it gets lost. We want to hear your thoughts! You can write it down and mail it to the church (PO Box 185, Eaton, IN 47338), email it to, or just swing it by. If you have a picture or a note that you'd like posted to the blog, you can email that to me at (Or post a memory to the Facebook page).

I'll start!

Two weeks before we were to move up to Eaton, I was home with the kids, trying to pack, trying to get everything ready, and working to accomodate daily home-showings. You get the idea; I was swamped. And yet, I decided I wanted to paint the parsonage before we moved up. I knew Andy would be gone, and I knew that at such late notice, few if any would be able to help. So as I drove up with my supplies on Friday afternoon, I prayed that at least one person would be able to help. I was tired, my emotions were at surface level, and I knew I'd need to see one friendly face.

At 8:30a.m. Saturday morning, Tina Farmer was at my door, with painting supplies and a hug. She was an Eaton angel for sure; and I thank God for nudging her to come and Tina for listening! And thank you Tina for buying lunch; my breadsticks at Pizza King have been 3/4 baked ever since! ;)

I can already list for you name after name after name of those who God has sent at just the right moment. When I was near tears in my empty Fishers home, Marilyn Edgerton called to get my meat order. She and Gail were headed out and they wanted to treat us. Perfect timing Marilyn! My heart was calmed by that one call.

Eaton family, I hope you know what you have here! Because I can tell you, it's a special, special thing. And again I say it, I am blessed and humbled to be here with all of you. God's got great things planned for our next 80 years!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fall Festival

Thank you to Claudia and George Moorman for hosting our Fall Festival this past Saturday evening! And thank you to all who helped with the preparations and to all who came out!