Monday, January 9, 2012

Craft Nights

Back by popular demand, Craft Nights resume this Thursday at 7pm!  :)  If you have a craft you're working on, you can bring that, or simply come to visit!  We'll be in the fireplace room and will start the fire up if it's cold outside.  Join us, we'd love to have you!

Monday, January 2, 2012

The E100 Challenge

The E100 Challenge has begun! The Bible in its entirety can and is extremely overwhelming, and yet, we so often let this deter us from reading God's very letter to us. Through God's word, we meet with him and connect with him, learning about what is, what was, and what's coming. I like to get a hot cup of coffee, sit, and quietly savor all that God is saying to me for the day. (Especially when it's snowing!)

There are so many reasons to be excited about God, His word, and this opportunity to read together as a family. This morning, Lydia read our first passage to us! What a gift that was, and I realized how important it is to incorporate the whole family on this journey that takes us through 100 key passages. In the thick of all of the tiny, tiny words on the pages, is the broader, most romantic, beautiful, and jaw-dropping story of a God who SO loved his children! That he joined us.....and saved us. And now we, have the honor of serving him. This is our reality, this is the story of the world, and we really can be excited and humbled to our knees at the awesomeness of it all.

This week we're reading about the beginning! We're reading the first 5 readings, and if you didn't get your punch are the readings so you can't dodge it! ;)
Gen 1:1-2:25
Gen. 3:1-24
Gen 6:5-7:24
Gen 8:1-9:17
Gen 11:1-9

Without Genesis, the story is not complete, the Bible is not whole and the need for a savior would not make sense. Read, and take it all in.

Welcome to week one!