Eaton was absolutely buzzing Saturday night, and our first Trunk or Treat was a true hit! The trick-or-treaters tip-toed up around 5:40, and from that point on there was a steady flow through 8p.m. It was amazing seeing more of the faces of Eaton and enjoying an evening with them! As always, thank you everyone, specifically Tim and Nikki for making this happen!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
An Amazing Sunday

God was truly with us as we celebrated eighty years of service to Him, this past Sunday morning. Eaton First Church of God is alive and well, and we have great days ahead!
And what's a celebration without a family meal?? Many joined us in the Family Life Center for a chili pitch-in after the morning service. Thank you to all who helped!
2p.m. was the installation for Pastor Andy, and again, God was with us. Thank you to Pastor John Crump for being with us and such a constant support. Truly, from the bottoms of our hearts, the Dennistons thank every single one of you. Those who have prayed for us and will in days to come. Those who came to spend this entire day with us and those who were there by heart. Thank you to our new Eaton family for making us feel so genuinely loved.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Angel Food
To be honest, Andy and I had a hard time figuring out what Angel Food was all about. And then the Aldi shopper within me had a light-bulb moment. Food for less! Now that I understand! Angel Food offers quality food for prices you simply won't match in any store; trust me, I've done the research. This is something to spread the word on; I know we're not the only family who is blessed by savings opportunities.
You are also welcome to purchase boxes to be given to those in need. We will make sure it is put to good use! November orders are due on the 9th, and everyone watch for the next distribution date - it's truly a fun morning!!
Friday, October 23, 2009
As we prepare to celebrate 80 years of service in Eaton, the footage and pictures that I've been given to sort through is simply amazing. What a truly, truly rich heritage EFCHOG has! This is footage from the ground-breaking in 1962! In color and all!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The food was outstanding, but more than that, the company couldn't have been topped. What an amazing group; Andy, Levi, and I plan to keep coming until they kick us out =) Join us if you'd like! 3rd Tuesday of each month, noon, in the fellowship hall. Bring a dish to share and a gigantic appetite!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Fishers of Men and.....Sardines!
I heard it said recently, that our youth and children aren't the church of tomorrow, they're the church of today. And I couldn't agree more; what a vital role their young lives play in God's grand plans.

Tonight, I saw that our youth group is something to truly be excited about!! I (Jenessa) had the priviledge of meeting a few more of them tonight and joining them for their ice-breaker. There was a great crowd, and I hear it was actually small in comparison to most weeks. Awesome! I can't wait to get to know them all more and witness first-hand what big thing's God is doing in each of their young lives!
(The ice-breaker involved racing with sardines. These are of three of the brave souls :) )
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
80 Years to Celebrate!
We'll be celebrating 80 years of ministry in Eaton, the morning of Sunday, October 25th. And what a reason to celebrate! Pastor Andy and Kris have asked for people to let them know of a memory that we can share with everyone. After so many years of service, life, worship, and fellowship, I know there must be some key memories out there! And as a new member of the Eaton family, I would love to hear just as many as possible. So everyone, dust off the mental archives, or jot down a fresh event before it gets lost. We want to hear your thoughts! You can write it down and mail it to the church (PO Box 185, Eaton, IN 47338), email it to, or just swing it by. If you have a picture or a note that you'd like posted to the blog, you can email that to me at (Or post a memory to the Facebook page).
I'll start!
Two weeks before we were to move up to Eaton, I was home with the kids, trying to pack, trying to get everything ready, and working to accomodate daily home-showings. You get the idea; I was swamped. And yet, I decided I wanted to paint the parsonage before we moved up. I knew Andy would be gone, and I knew that at such late notice, few if any would be able to help. So as I drove up with my supplies on Friday afternoon, I prayed that at least one person would be able to help. I was tired, my emotions were at surface level, and I knew I'd need to see one friendly face.
At 8:30a.m. Saturday morning, Tina Farmer was at my door, with painting supplies and a hug. She was an Eaton angel for sure; and I thank God for nudging her to come and Tina for listening! And thank you Tina for buying lunch; my breadsticks at Pizza King have been 3/4 baked ever since! ;)
I can already list for you name after name after name of those who God has sent at just the right moment. When I was near tears in my empty Fishers home, Marilyn Edgerton called to get my meat order. She and Gail were headed out and they wanted to treat us. Perfect timing Marilyn! My heart was calmed by that one call.
Eaton family, I hope you know what you have here! Because I can tell you, it's a special, special thing. And again I say it, I am blessed and humbled to be here with all of you. God's got great things planned for our next 80 years!
I'll start!
Two weeks before we were to move up to Eaton, I was home with the kids, trying to pack, trying to get everything ready, and working to accomodate daily home-showings. You get the idea; I was swamped. And yet, I decided I wanted to paint the parsonage before we moved up. I knew Andy would be gone, and I knew that at such late notice, few if any would be able to help. So as I drove up with my supplies on Friday afternoon, I prayed that at least one person would be able to help. I was tired, my emotions were at surface level, and I knew I'd need to see one friendly face.
At 8:30a.m. Saturday morning, Tina Farmer was at my door, with painting supplies and a hug. She was an Eaton angel for sure; and I thank God for nudging her to come and Tina for listening! And thank you Tina for buying lunch; my breadsticks at Pizza King have been 3/4 baked ever since! ;)
I can already list for you name after name after name of those who God has sent at just the right moment. When I was near tears in my empty Fishers home, Marilyn Edgerton called to get my meat order. She and Gail were headed out and they wanted to treat us. Perfect timing Marilyn! My heart was calmed by that one call.
Eaton family, I hope you know what you have here! Because I can tell you, it's a special, special thing. And again I say it, I am blessed and humbled to be here with all of you. God's got great things planned for our next 80 years!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Fall Festival
Thank you to Claudia and George Moorman for hosting our Fall Festival this past Saturday evening! And thank you to all who helped with the preparations and to all who came out!

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