- Eye glasses for the Lions Club
- Medication bottles...for sanitary dispersal of meds overseas.
- Cell phones for Secure the Call, so domestic violence victims can call 911.
- Pop tabs...chemo treatments for children through the Ronald McDonald House and Riley Children's Hospital.
- Plastic grocery bags to be used for our convenience items at the food pantry.
- Capri Sun pouches....Eaton Elementary kindergarten fundraiser.
- Batteries
- Box Tops for Education...for Eaton Elementary
- Coupons for the Muncie Coupon Exchange
- Computer and copy paper.....used at the church and then recycled through the Boy Scouts.
- And a reminder of our reuseable grocery bags when purchasing our "Take Five" items or other groceries.
Bring your pop cans to the Habitat for Humanity shed right in front of Eaton Elementary. What a great cause! Remember to take those pop tabs off first!
Cardboard and paper can all be dropped off at the Boy Scout shed or taken to Rock Tenn.
Go team go! We have exciting plans for a central collection room at church...stay posted!
"The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden tow ork it and take care of it." Genesis 2:15