Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Art of Marriage

A few months after our first baby, Lydia, was born, Andy's parents gave us the gift of two tickets to a marriage conference through Family Life ministries.

It was so kind of them! And yet, I distinctly remember thinking, "I only wish I could give the tickets to a couple who is in greater need than

We had been married five years and were blessed with a very healthy, strong, loving marriage. We now had our Lydia, and our little family felt healthier than ever. I knew I'd enjoy the break from parenting for the day, but I truly didn't think we really needed the conference. Wasn't it only for strained and troubled marriages???

My misconceptions were shattered and blown out of the water, and it's why Andy and I continue to be such huge advocates of deliberately and proactively caring for our marriage and encouraging others to do the same. What we found at the conference was that we DID need this! At times, we looked at each other in awe, wondering how the speakers had managed to spy on our lives before they prepared for the conference. We laughed, we learned, we cried. Our already healthy marriage was strengthened, and there's no doubt we left with more tools in our belt for the day rocky times would hit. They always do, none of us are immune.

We take care of our family. We keep our cars tuned up. We give to church, little league, school, our jobs, and on and on and on...... Even with our best attempts, our marriages so often are neglected and we're in reactive mode...tackling problems as they occur and not preventing them with care.

There isn't a single couple out there who would not benefit from this weekend. Whether you're engaged, newlywed, at the seven-year-itch, or
are stacking decades in the bank. We ALL need to spend one weekend minimum each year, focused on the mate God has matched us with. THIS weekend is just that. You share only with your spouse; never are you asked to share with the larger group. It's about you, your spouse, and the one who created you.

Make this weekend a priority! Sign up before the seats are filled and join us! Andy and I will be there, learning more! It's not just for you, it's for your kids, and their kids, and their kids.....

You can simply send an email to, or look for a sign-up in your bulletin at church. $50 can be paid to Eato
n First Church of God at anytime. There's no greater investment!

Thursday, January 20, 2011


**Cancelled for Thursday the 20th! Will start in two weeks, Feb. 3rd! Stop in to get a book in the meantime! $10/each**

This week our new women's study on Max Lucado's book, "Fearless" has begun! If you missed Tuesday morning, you can still hop in for the next meeting on Feb. 1st, 9am. If you're an evening person, join us TONIGHT! It's snowy out there, so be safe, but we are meeting from 7pm -8pm, and you are welcome!

Truly, our time together is as much about the study as it is about connecting with each other. It's a wonderful chance to pause life, link arms, and help strengthen each other and focus on our savior. Don't ever hesitate to join a group; we'd love to have you!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Church Cancelled

Due to icy roads and impending snow, Wednesday night church has been cancelled (1/19). Everyone stay in and stay safe!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Latest News

Our volleyball team won their match last night! The snow didn't keep our team away, and we had a wonderful time. Join us on Thursday evening! 7:30, True Light Baptist.

Tonight is week #2 for our Family nights! The taco soup will be ready and hot at 5:30, and our classes will all be in session at 6:30. There's a slot for everyone!

Don't forget that Friday, January 21st is our next FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT!! It's COLD and your family needs a place to go to relax and stay warm :) Join us! 7-9pm in the Family Life center; all are welcome!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Family Nights

The winter session of Family Nights kicks off tonight!! Come on out at 5:30 for supper and join us for the evening!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Volleyball Team

Tina Farmer is heading up a volleyball team! First game is this Thursday, Jan. 6th, 6pm, at True Light Baptist. Everyone's welcome!! Coome and join us!!