Starting Wednesday, September 7th, our family nights are back! Grab the kids, grab your neighbors, leave the cat....and come to the church at 5:30 for a hot meal (thank you to Glen and Chris Schwer for coordinating our meals!!)! $3/person or $10/family! 6:30 we have classes for all ages, from nursery on up. One of the adult classes will be based on a new movie coming out September 30th; this will be awesome!
7:30 is choir for those in love with music! :)
Women! Can you spare ONE evening every THREE weeks?! Next to a fireplace, on a cozy couch, sharing, studying, and talking with our women?? We all need this! Starting Tuesday, September 6th at 7pm, join us as we go deeper together! We'll be doing Beth Moore's study, "Breaking Free," and we'd love to have you! Books are being ordered soon; sign up at church or give the church a call at 765-396-3044! $15/workbook
Young Adults! Once each month we'll get together for some Mexican Food, childcare for little ones, and we'll be looking at how we can all have a Crazy Love for christ! We'll be kicking our fall off with rooting on our softball team, however, so watch for times on that. It'll be 8/25...we'll grab food and root our team on!
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